If you are Not aware of basis environment set up and Hello world of angular please go through below links for the context.
1 . angular-4/5/6-set-up-environment
2 . angular-5-hello-world-step-by-step
Above links help us in creating ready made application which angular CLI provide us but now we want a component of our own.
Step 1:
Creating a Custom Component
navigate to your folder structure where you want to create your custom component
and then run below command
like this :
This command will create your component and also it make sure to mark an entry in your app.module.ts file.
app.module.ts -- This file holds all the source required by the project which include all the imports of the components.
below is the snapshot of generated files :
Beauty of command ng g component customHelloWorld is
This command generated 4 for the component :
1 . HTML file of your component
2. Test file for your component
3. TS file for writing your logic.
4. CSS file for styling.
Step 2:
Open auto generated file custom-hello-world.component.ts.
and and modify custom-hello-world.component.html according to your need.
Below code is important in sense of mapping your HTML file and CSS file specific to this component.
HTML part of custom-hello-world.component.html.
Lets use app-custom-hello-world selector tag in our app.component.html.
Start the server using
Hit on the url http://localhost:4200
Output :
1 . angular-4/5/6-set-up-environment
2 . angular-5-hello-world-step-by-step
Above links help us in creating ready made application which angular CLI provide us but now we want a component of our own.
Step 1:
Creating a Custom Component
navigate to your folder structure where you want to create your custom component
and then run below command
ng g component customHelloWorld
like this :
ng g component customHelloWorld
This command will create your component and also it make sure to mark an entry in your app.module.ts file.
app.module.ts -- This file holds all the source required by the project which include all the imports of the components.
below is the snapshot of generated files :
Beauty of command ng g component customHelloWorld is
This command generated 4 for the component :
1 . HTML file of your component
2. Test file for your component
3. TS file for writing your logic.
4. CSS file for styling.
Step 2:
Open auto generated file custom-hello-world.component.ts.
@Component({ selector: 'app-custom-hello-world', templateUrl: './custom-hello-world.component.html', styleUrls: ['./custom-hello-world.component.css'] }) export class CustomHelloWorldComponent implements OnInit { constructor() { } ngOnInit() { console.log("hello"); } }
and and modify custom-hello-world.component.html according to your need.
<p> custom-hello-world works! </p>
Below code is important in sense of mapping your HTML file and CSS file specific to this component.
@Component({ selector: 'app-custom-hello-world', templateUrl: './custom-hello-world.component.html', styleUrls: ['./custom-hello-world.component.css'] })So whenever you use app-custom-hello-world selector in any of your HTML it will render the
HTML part of custom-hello-world.component.html.
Lets use app-custom-hello-world selector tag in our app.component.html.
<!--The content below is only a placeholder and can be replaced.--> <div style="text-align:center"> <h1> Welcome to Custom component {{ title }}! </h1> <app-custom-hello-world></app-custom-hello-world> </div>
Start the server using
ng serve
Hit on the url http://localhost:4200
Output :
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