Monday 22 January 2018

Error: Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'\CurrentVersion'

Problem :

Error: Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'\CurrentVersion'

has value '1.8', but '1.7' is required.

Error: could not find java.dll

Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

Solution :

open command prompt window

run this below command


set PATH=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;%PATH%

change path according to your jdk location

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Jenkins step by step

Jenkins is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects, regardless of the platform you are working on. It is a free source that can handle any kind of build or continuous integration. You can integrate Jenkins with a number of testing and deployment technologies. In this tutorial, we would explain how you can use Jenkins to build and test your software projects continuously.

Once you install Jenkins your home page will look like this.
1.  Home page jenkins

2.Click on Manage Jenkins to configure the Jenkins configuration.

3.Lets configure global configuration and path


5. configure Global tool configuration.

6. We need to install various plugins so that our Jenkins is self capable. Go to manage plugin link for that and below window will open.

this window contains all plugin installed and available you can search out the plugin you need in the search bar.

Now all the configuration part is done.
We are going to add our repository in Jenkins.

7 .  as per diagram in STEP 1 click on the new item link on the left side bar.A window will open name your project whatever you want.

8.  fill all details and save.

9. choose already present job or create a new job

10.  set your repository location.

Monday 15 January 2018

Points to consider for creating new tables

Below are the points which can be consider while creating new table in the database.

  1. Comments ( Always add comments to columns and tables)

a.       I always find comments incredibly helpful, they could answer some of the business / content questions.
b.      You can add table and column comments.
c.       Add comments at the table level at the very least to indicate the contents of the table and the relationship between the two (other than simply knowing parent-> child by way of the Foreign Key).
d.      Column comments are useful, as long as they do not simply restate the column name
e.      There are undoubtedly some terms for which there is a Glossary of Terms etc. in which case repeating the definition given there is also of little value.
f.        However if the contents may not be immediately obvious / there is no pre-defined term it is definitely useful.

  1. Column naming convention

    1. While I like the underscores (they are natural for database developers )
    2. As a general translation from camel case java attribute names, we have generally ended up without any underscores.
    3. Maintain consistency with your database tables.

  1. NOT NULL Columns

    1. You have only defined the primary key columns as not null (because you have to)
    2. There are more columns that cannot be null
      1. i.e The foreign key column for example
    1. If a column cannot be null, we should have a not null constraint on the column. This will prevent an application error from going undetected if a null value is inadvertently inserted.

  1. TIMESTAMP/DATE columns

    1. Timestamps are 'interesting' beasts in oracle, when you consider timezone and some arithmetic functions and implicit type conversions that take place
    2. When to use Date and when to use Timestamp?
                                                               i.      If you have milliseconds, then clearly you have to use timestamps
                                                             ii.      If they are simply to the second precision (or worse a given day), then using a DATE column makes more sense

  1. Surrogate Primary Keys and Compound Keys / Unique Constraints

    1. We seem to have a general pattern of using surrogate Primary Keys everywhere
                   i.      i.e. we generate a unique numeric value as a unique key
    1. Sometimes there is a perfectly natural primary key, for example if you have a table defining enumerations, you might as well use the enumeration value as the primary key, there is no need to define a separate PKEY column as well
    2. The tables as they stand with the surrogate PKEY give no indication as to which columns should be unique
                                     i.    i.e. could we have multiple records for the same PKEY+SOME_COLOUMN

            6 .Performance Considerations

 Indexes on Foreign Key Columns
a.       You are undoubtedly going to wish to query the child records for a given parent record. You are not allowing for this, so querying child table for a given parent table record will require a full table scan.

  1. Caching on Sequences

    1. Create sequences  to generate values for the PKEYs
    2. Is there is no order dependency on the PKEY column values then should allow caching of the sequence values.
    3. This improves the efficiency significantly, but at the cost of potentially having gaps in the sequence (which you could always have if a transaction rolls back) and 'out of order' inserts in the case of databases with multiple (RAC) instances.

  1.  Partitioning Considerations 
Expected Data Volumes
    • How many records do we expect to create per day/week/month?

Is the data write time critical?
    • is the creation of the new record  in a time critical operation?

Do we expect to read the data far more than we write the data?
    • i.e. can we sacrifice some performance when writing the data in order to optimise the data read

Query profile
    • Do we expect to read 'ALL current' records on a frequent basis?
    • Or are all queries likely to be related to an instrument or relatively small set of instruments?

Data Lifecycle
    • Do we have to retain the data indefinitely?
    • Or can we remove data after a set time period?
      • Would this time period be related to the some date etc. or to the date at which the record is no longer valid

Thursday 11 January 2018

First Selenium program using Maven+Java

This is basic example to use Webdriver, Maven with Java.

We need Tools:

1.Eclipse - IDE to Build our applications

Download and install Eclipse. I choose Eclipse IDE 
you can choose IDE of you choice.

2.Maven - We need maven to get all our dependencies automatically, which also allows users to reuse same jars across multiple projects

Download and install maven.
Eclipse does not have integrated Maven support out of the box. To add the support, I am going to use Maven Integration (m2e).

Steps to create program

Step 1:  First create a new Maven project. 

In Eclipse: File -> New -> Other  -> Maven -> Maven project

  • Click: Next, Next, Next
  • Type in field Group Id: com.demo.yourCompanyName
  • Type in field Artifact Id: yourProjectName
  • Click: Finish

Step 2 Edit pom.xml

Eclipse should detect the pom.xml changes automatically, build the project and download required dependencies.

After the build is finished, there should be selenium*.jar files under Maven Dependencies under the Project Explorer panel.


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



Step 3:

Create a new test class
Right-click over package com.yourcompany.yourclientprojectname 

under src/test/java and select New -> Class

Type in ClassName: OpenFirefox

Java Code:

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class OpenFirefox {

 public static void main(String[] args)



  System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "Path to gekco driver\\geckodriver.exe");

  WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();



Step 4 :

Right click on class RunAs -->java application.

Your firefox browser will open with given URL ""

Spring boot with CORS

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) errors occur when a web application running in a browser requests a resource from a different domain or...