Tuesday 17 July 2018

Angular 5 Hello world step by step

Step 1: Prerequisites

Install Node.js & npm

Angular 4/5/6 set up environment

Install Angular CLI

Creating a new Angular app is a bit tedious job especially when you are new to Typescript as there will be lot of initial configurations involved. In order make it simpler Google came up with the utility called Angular CLI, using which we can create and manage our app from command line itself

In order to install Angular CLI open Node.js command prompt/command prompt and run the below command

npm install -g @angular/cli

Install Code Editor

There are multiple code editors available in market

1. Microsoft Visual Code Studio
2. Brackets
3. Notepad++,
4. Sublime Text

As I m Fond of eclipse so I have installed angular plugin in eclipse as Angular editor.

Step 2: Create Project

Lets build our First Angular 5 Hello World application

Create a new folder with folder name “Angular5HelloWorld” anywhere you want.

Open command prompt and navigate to the folder.

Use the ng new command to create our Hello World Angular Project ng new hello-world-app

Ng stands for aNGular. NG is a core module, and this module contains all the directives that comes built in with the AngularJS library file.

D:\Rakesh_kumar_Singhania\Angular5HelloWorld>ng new hello-world-app

In case you get error that 'ng' is not recognized command

To solve that go to :

Control Panel > User accounts > Change my environmnet variables

and add the path to your AppData\Roaming\npm, in my case it was


Above command ng new hello-world-app creates a MAGIC...!!

This command add 1102 packages and all required dependencies for your first project.

Now your project 'hello-world-app' is successfully created.

Step 3: Run our first application

Navigate to your newly created project and run below command to run your application.

D:\Rakesh_kumar_Singhania\Angular5HelloWorld\hello-world-app>ng serve

This command will start the server and will launch the default Angular Application build by Angular CLI.

If you see above screen after running command then congratulations everything is fine with your application and your are good to go.

Default url to launch application is : http://localhost:4200/

Step 4 :Output

Next :create a customize component

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