If you are Not aware of basis environment set up and Hello world of angular please go through below links for the context. 1 . angular-4/5/6-set-up-environment 2 . angular-5-hello-world-step-by-step Above links help us in creating ready made application which angular CLI provide us but now we want a component of our own. Step 1: Creating a Custom Component navigate to your folder structure where you want to create your custom component and then run below command ng g component customHelloWorld like this : D:\Rakesh_kumar_Singhania\Angular5HelloWorld\hello-world-app\src\app> ng g component customHelloWorld This command will create your component and also it make sure to mark an entry in your app.module.ts file. app.module.ts -- This file holds all the source required by the project which include all the imports of the components. below is the snapshot of generated files : Beauty of command ng g component customHell...
A Full Stack developer who is facing problems in development cycle and here you find solution of errors of those problems.This includes all exception and configuration issues. Solutions which i have written in blog are the one which worked for me after killing my time :) .