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Showing posts from June, 2018

Intellij not showing GIT pull

This is a  problem which you faced when you have taken clone of your repository in your file explorer using tortoise git. And then imported your project from file explorer to Intellij. Like this So to solve this problem follow these steps. 1. Enter alt+ctrl+S to open setting in intellij. 2. Find version control in the sidebar. your project which is not showing as part of the GIT. 4. Add your project in GIT.

How to read from CSV file in Java

We can read data from a Microsoft Excel CSV file, where all the values will be column separated, to do this we will use a third party jar i.e OpenCSV. OpenCSV OpenCSV is a lightweight java CSV parser. OpenCSV provides most of the basic features for CSV parsing. Some of the important classes in OpenCSV parser are; CSVReader : This is the most important class in OpenCSV. CSVReader class is used to parse CSV files. We can parse CSV data line by line or read all data at once. CSVWriter : CSVWriter class is used to write CSV data to Writer implementation.  CsvToBean : CsvToBean is used when you want to convert CSV data to java objects. BeanToCsv : BeanToCsv is used to export Java beans to CSV file. OpenCSV Maven Dependency Add OpenCSV jar using below maven dependency in POM.XML file, please refer the latest version from < dependency > < groupId > com . opencsv < / groupId > ...

The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout: .gitignore

Problem : git.exe checkout master -- error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout: .gitignore Please move or remove them before you switch branches. Aborting Solution : try running below commands one by one on your repository git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master this will reset your .gitignore file or any other file which is conflicting. hope this helps .

Git Storing credentials failed No password provided in eclipse

Problem :  Storing credentials failed No password provided I am trying to clone repository from the github while pull it ask for password Then, and i entered wrong password ans store in secure wallet of eclipse Now when I tried to fetch or pull i got the error “not authorized” However, when I used the advice and clicked “Change Credentials” or "remove credentials" I received the following error: "Storing credentials failed No password provided" Solution : if you are using eclipse then you can solve this problem by following these steps. Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents delete everything from the content tab Now try again to pull from repository enter your correct password and store in secure wallet storage of eclipse. Hope this will work for you.